Friday, 15 May 2009

Wilson Portable Cell Phone Booster Kit

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Be sure to enter this promotional code RV4U690 into your shopping cart for a 5% off readers reward on anything you purchase at

Coming from rural Alaska, one might take a quick look at my rustic clothing and wonder when I first had the opportunity of buying a Twinkie. There also has to be a curiosity as to when I first saw one of those new-fangled hi-tech devices called a computer. Or a cell phone.

The answer is to why my cell service (an editor of comes through a Sprint number with an Oregon 503 prefix, come later. Know that the first time I made a satellite telephone call was from a remote village on the Yukon River—the same month that Nixon stepped down from the Presidency. The first time I accessed a Boolean query of an online database was through a pre-DOS, pre-Mac, operating system (CPM) via CIS, which eventually became Compuserve, before being swallowed up in what is know today as AOL, I had to reprogram the length of "nac" returns to make satellite up and downlinks work . What was even more astonishing to someone who lived in a log cabin he had built himself, was that in the late 80's I witnessed a bush pilot friend of mine, during a hitchhiked hop to town, pull out a "magic telephone" container when we had Anchorage in sight. He called his wife to have her drive down to the strip to pick us upRemembering that this watershed of possibilities call had been made directly over what I call Fishing Bear Falls, when I too joined the cell revolution —after witnessing homeless people in San Francisco using theirs to connect with society— I attempted the same connection on what I assumed was a much more powerful unit, being that the cell phone folded into a convenient object I could carry in a shirt pocket. When my outside of Alaska Brand X service couldn't find a signal, I assumed from experience that them local monopolistic company we all had supported in the early days before being taken over by outsider MBAs, was playing, "tower, tower, who's got the tower.Last year the mystery was explained. We were 4-wheeling with a friend, climbing mountains in Northern Nevada to film wild horses. At a picnic spot so high it overlooked the whole wide world, 72-years old James pulled out a portable blood pressure monitor, took a reading, and then reached for one of those "magic telephone containers" I had experienced 20 years ago, and called home to reassure a worried daughter she didn't have to send a medivac helicopter, just yet —he was still alive, kicking, and having fun. I also pulled out my cell phone to call Reno. Nothing. I assumed, again, that it had something to do with my service plan coverage. James handed me his modern competitive service slim-line cell to prove that that wasn't just my provider. Then me lent me the "magic case" with the suggestion I keep my call short as this old, cannot buy anymore medical emergency system, cost almost a dollar a minute to keep the account active. .What was the difference between old and new. Watts. The old unit was rated at three watts. My state of the art video phone signal is held to one-half a watt.alt="Cell Phone Booster In Car" src="" width="283" align="right">Why? One mumbo-jumbo corporate explanation may have something to do with the number and ownership of the towers available today. Or, that the marketplace demands people type with their thumbs on a postage stamp sized device. No. I think is more a gray area matter of not breaking an FCC regulation of a signal accidentally spiking over three watts.

Elsewhere in this magazine we have a reader's reward catalog page describing the Wilson system we have in our motorhome. I sort of understand it functions by tripping any cell signal of anything coming in over 2.98 watts. From our experience of getting online digitally through our cell, I can tell you even when you are protected from being busted for being a bad boy, the signal strength doesn't drop all the way back to a half-watt.

Accidentally, I also just discovered when playing with this unit we purchased for our towed dingy, that having a portable booster in a hotel room located anywhere near cell signal "killer rays," as a movie theater complex, or casino floor, also makes a lot of sense. Especially when offers anyone reading this RV traveler message a 5% discount by putting this promotional code into the appropriate space on their online shopping cart. RV4U690

So, back to the beach. Bobby my "maid to order male order bride" and I met online (September 2nd, 1998) and chatted on the phone whenever we could for six months before we met in person. Having not met with success picking up chicks in all the wrong places, who ended up changing my life for the worse, I appreciated this Information Age approach in finding someone who would fit-in my wacky lifestyle. This is not to say my sterile computer/phone approach wasn't romantic. In fact, I really could have seen a rendezvous at a deserted beach for a first meeting, but in the back of my mind I knew I couldn't take the chance Gary Grant did, forever waiting at that tall building in New York for his out of communication love to arrive. My suggestion, do the remake of the film on location in Oregon, where the happy ending has something to do with a portable Wilson cell phone booster..Click on the appropriate text link below to order your Wilson Portable Cell Phone Booster Kit.

Barry Murray

Wison Portable Cell Phone Booster Kit

Wilson Portable Cell Phone Booster Kit
Sold at

Be sure to enter this promotional code RV4U690 into your shopping cart for a 5% off readers reward on anything you purchase at

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