Saturday, 22 September 2012

About Cell Phone Boosters for the Home

About Cell Phone Boosters for the Home -- powered by ehow

Cell phone boosters for the home can help users get better reception, and they are available from various major carriers. Consider a cell phone booster in a home with bad reception with helpful information from a cell phone specialist in this free video on cellular phones.

Hi, I'm Ben from The Cellphone Broker in San Jose, California, and today, I'm going to show you how to use a cell booster for your home or what a cell booster for your home is. Basically, there's a couple of products out on the market today that claim to improve your cell phone reception or coverage in your home. One of my friends was just telling me about how there's one that you can...that's a suction cup where you can attach it to your window and it's supposed to improve the reception. However, it didn't really work too well. So there are other ones available. There's one available from Sprint Nextel. It's called Airave, and what the Airave does is it plugs into your land line, and then it will then...when you make a phone call or you receive a phone call, it'll go to your cell phone, and then it'll wirelessly go to the Airave device into the land line system and it'll end up in Sprint's network. So that's actually a pretty neat feature. However, it does have a monthly fee, and you do have to pay for this pretty expensive equipment to get that. Besides for that, there's not a lot of options for the home. Most people do have pretty good cell phone reception in their homes as it is. The cell phone companies aren't really too concerned about the people who live in rural areas just because there's not a lot of them. Most people who have cell phones do live in metropolitan areas, and so the cell phone companies don't worry about it too much. I'm Ben from The Cellphone Broker in San Jose. Check out our Web page --
Read more: Video: About Cell Phone Boosters for the Home |

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